Telephone numbers in more than 60 countries

A geographic telephone number is a telephone number whose first digit indicates the region of origin of the number.
Each country has a different geographical pattern. The most common are toll-free numbers, which are free calls for the caller, but not for the called party.

Datalyse allows you to acquire geographic numbers to be able to call anywhere in the world with the power to choose the region or city of each country at very low cost prices without reducing the quality or effectiveness of the service thanks to our PBX or VoIP PBX.

Billing per second without rounding.

Datalyse does not charge by the minute but by the second, thus reducing the indirect costs that almost always go unnoticed, but are a reality. E.g. A company calling landlines and mobiles in the countries of: Spain, Germany and Mexico DF with a duration per month of 1000 minutes being 16.67 seconds.

Present all over the world

Datalyse has studied that many companies when prospecting for new customers outside their borders are not as successful as expected.

Do you need a particular city?

Datalyse has numbers from Madrid, Barcelona, Berlin, La Paz to Buenos Aires or Lima.

Your geographic number forever

Choose your favourite number from a long list of available numbers by country and city. Once you choose the number you like best, it will be unique to your company.

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